How to get involved:

  1. Join the PTA! Joining is easy - click on the Join the PTA tab.

  2. Consider supporting the Direct Donation Program to support our school.

  3. Join our online directory to connect with other families through our Membership Toolkit.

  4. Sign up to volunteer - click on the Volunteer tab.

Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions!

Your 2024-2025 PTA Executive Board:

Erin MacDougall - President

Lindsay Rowe - 1st VP/Family Events

Melissa Hankoff - 2nd VP/Volunteer Coordinator

Chris Hirsch - Treasurer

Valerie Zeender - Financial Secretary

Maggie Klaes - Recording Secretary

Sarah Norman - Corresponding Secretary


Want to get involved?

We need you! If you’d like to get involved or have some great ideas, please reach out to a board member for more information!

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